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제목 [기본] [Anomali] Air Canada의 보안 운영 사례 날짜 2020.08.24 12:43
글쓴이 관리자 조회 1184

Anomali의 고객사인 Air Canada의 CSOC Specialist인 Mr. Kyle Howson의 Webinar 동영상 링크를 아래와 같이 첨부하였습니다.  Webinar Air Canada에서 Anomali Threat Intelligence Platform을 사용하여 사이버 위협에 얼마나 효과적으로 대응하고 있으며 그 중에서도 특별히 Tagging 효과에 대해 소개하고 있습니다. 참조하시어 귀사 보안 업무에 도움이 되시기를 바랍니다.

Building a Threat Intelligence Program: The Power of Tagging

Customer Webinar With Air Canada & iON - Air Canada and iON joined Anomali on a customer webinar last week titled How To Build a Threat Intelligence Program: The Power of Tagging. This webinar was the first in a series that will continue to highlight best practices for building effective threat intel programs with advice from industry experts and Anomali customers. To kick off the series, Kyle Howson of Air Canada shared a power-user's perspective on building out tagging frameworks with Anomali. There were 143 attendees and 420 registrations for a 34% attendance rate. Shout out to Dave Empringham for joining Kyle on the webinar & iON for their introductory remarks. Watch the recording on-demand now. 

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